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Resume Storytelling - Write and practice your stories

Olga Dyakova
1 Student enrolled
0 reviews
  • Description
Resume Storytelling_Course Card_Small Res 2-2024 optimized.jpeg

Ready to rock your interview in under 20 hours of prep?

Our “Resume Storytelling Path” might be right for you if:

  • You have no knowledge of resume storytelling techniques, and need help explaining your CV and job experience in English
  • You have 5-10 hours to both WRITE and REHEARSE your answers  and want to polish your pronunciation
  • Your spoken English is a low intermediate and you tend to make mistakes with B1 grammar areas like: he / she, past tense, present perfect, or question structure

This path should take approximately 15-20 hours, part of which will required spacing it throughout your week with 15-min oral practice sets for best results.

In this path, you will learn 2 resume storytelling formats to help you be concise and confident when responding to your interviewer, regardless if you were prepared for the question or not.

Then, you’ll apply storytelling to developing your 10 interview responses, which you will rehearse, record and review against a best-practices checklist.

Your top 3-5 errors will then be converted into short speaking & pronunciation error correction speaking exercises you can practice to reduce these errors ahead of your 60min mock interview with our live interviewer at course end.

Course details
Duration up to 20 hours
Lectures 29
Assignments 7
Quizzes 1
Level Intermediate


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