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Emergency Simulation - Practice Existing Stories

Olga Dyakova
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  • Description

Our “Emergency Simulation Path” might be right for you if:

You only have about 3-4 hours total to commit to your speaking rehearsal

(…which means you don’t have time for additional extension activities to correct speaking & pronunciation errors).

You already have your interview stories written… you just want to run through them orally once or twice to get some general feedback before trying them in a mock interview.

Your spoken English is pretty fluid and closer to a high intermediate B2 than a low B1, where you don’t hesitate much and you don’t tend to make mistakes with B1 grammar areas like: he / she, past tense, present perfect, or question structure.

This path should take approximately 3 hours, and it is the shortest path we offer.

In this path, you will record your interview responses and review them against a best-practices checklist.

You’ll also prepare a list of questions for the interviewer before getting a chance to sit a 60min live mock interview.

However, you won’t learn resume storytelling structure or practice speaking & pronunciation error correction exercises.

Does this sound like a good fit for you?

Course details
Duration 3-4 hours
Lectures 10
Assignments 1
Level Intermediate


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